Saturday, April 3, 2010
Coming soon: the books of Robert Ruark
Time can be fickle – it causes silly, trivial stuff to be remembered and some really horrid things like Jar-Jar Binks and dialogue written by George Lucas gets lodged in your head so deeply that even a lobotomy might not succeed in removing it. At the same time, a lot of really valuable stuff disappears or is forgotten and so shining some light onto an old book stack often yields treasures. Some of those forgotten treasures can be found in the writings of Robert Ruark.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Ben Gadd’s “Handbook of the Canadian Rockies”
Disclaimer: The review you’re about to read will not be an astringent, detached, hypercritical review. This retrograde, gun-happy USan loves Canada and I have enjoyed this book massively. If you’re looking for a jaundiced review with the hidden agenda of eliminating the crypto-fascist sport of Curling, please look elsewhere.
Some books seem to have their own personalities: verbose, chatty, dry or moody but they leave you feeling as if you’ve just sat down and talked with the author, instead of absorbing second hand something they typed into a machine. This is one such book and its personality is a pleasant one, deeply informative and very witty. It’s like running into a favorite teacher after you’ve spent 20 years learning your own lessons and finding them still as engaging and interesting as you remember.
The funny thing is that this book shouldn’t be so engaging: its 800 pages cover a wide variety of topics in great depth. The credit for the accessibility of this information can only belong to its author. Seriously, I’ve got a shelf full of books about Western Canada and this is one of about 2-3 that I’ll fit into my backpack when I motorcycle up to the Rockies this Summer. If I could only take one, this would be the one.
As for the handbook’s contents… pick a topic and it’s probably inside. It covers the geology of the Canadian Rockies; life zones, weather and seasons; plants and animals; human history and things to do during your visit; safety, first aid and futures. There are 800 pages of this information here and I find myself reading through it avidly.
So far I’ve been attempting to convey the book’s tone. Let me describe a bit about its content, which is clearly planned out to engage people who are visiting for whatever reason and help them enjoy and LEARN from their visit, as much as possible. At the risk of seeming hyperbolic, this is a book that can enhance your visit to the Canadian Rockies, no matter what your original purpose in visiting was.
First off, after looking at how much of each type of content is provided, I find it quite interesting that some 2/3 of the book’s 800 pages are concerned with 1) the geology of the area and 2) its plants and animals.
The geology section describes the various types of rock found in the park and how natural forces created and placed them, their locations and formations being further shaped by the slow sculpting of glaciers. When you’re looking at striking rock layers on a rock wall (or a lonely, mysterious glacial erratic) and wonder how they got there, the geology section can help you really understand the story that those rocks represent.
Moving on, fully half the book is devoted to plants and animals of the park. Accompanying the words are a wealth of high quality drawings and photos of those plants and animals. Mushrooms, ferns, and trees… every kind of animal, from earthworms and the ubiquitous mosquito to grizzly bears and even a wry, witty description of that wacky mammal, Homo Sapiens. Information about indigenous animals describes their habits and behavior; drawings of their skulls, footprints and droppings are included so that hikers can decipher some of the drama that has recently occurred where they are walking.
Any visit to the park will be deeply influenced by the weather, be it daily precipitation, seasonal accumulations or melting of snow. Details regarding what might be expected in various life zones, e.g., sub-alpine woods, burn zones, the mountain summits themselves, are presented.
In regard to the human history of the Rockies, information is provided about all the human history there: not just the 250 years or so or transplanted European history but also known history of native tribes and peoples who have lived or passed through the area.
Certainly anyone who will make the effort of visiting the Canadian Rockies has some purpose for doing so. However, the handbook also details some of the author’s favorite sights and places. There are vistas to view and say “Awe” (in fact Yoho is a whole park devoted to that) and some of the best recreational opportunities in North America. The very best are detailed here. It must be noted however that no information about Curling opportunities is presented.
While this area is deeply gorgeous and fascinating, there are things that can bite you here, both figuratively and literally. There’s traffic to be aware of and all the normal risks of whatever outdoor recreational endeavors you choose are obviously present here as well. The handbook describes many of these and provides some basics on first aid should somebody be hurt.
Finally, the handbook includes plenty of information on how to keep the park safe from damage caused by you and some steps that can help protect these fantastic resources and sites for future generations.
Let me conclude this review by emphasizing that with all the detailed and sometimes technical information presented in this handbook, it is a deeply entertaining and enjoyable read, due to the deft writing and wry humor of Ben Gadd. I am using the handbook to help plan my visit this Summer, taking it along with me for information and entertainment and will certainly use it after wards, as a resource when I write about my trip.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
OK, here's one teaser for a favorite part of a favorite book.
I think John Steinbeck is one of the very best authors the US has ever produced. I'd been reading him for some years and read "East of Eden" just after moving to Northern California, so it's very connected to a fun part of my early life.
The "timshel" speech is magnificent in several respects: it speaks to the noble nature that the human race is capable of and is also a brilliant example of the American melting pot. A Chinese man explaining to early 20th Century Californians (dude) about how he learned to read/speak Hebrew to better understand a passage that differed in translations of the Bible.
Not a religious passage but a spiritual one.
I think John Steinbeck is one of the very best authors the US has ever produced. I'd been reading him for some years and read "East of Eden" just after moving to Northern California, so it's very connected to a fun part of my early life.
The "timshel" speech is magnificent in several respects: it speaks to the noble nature that the human race is capable of and is also a brilliant example of the American melting pot. A Chinese man explaining to early 20th Century Californians (dude) about how he learned to read/speak Hebrew to better understand a passage that differed in translations of the Bible.
Not a religious passage but a spiritual one.
What this blog is about - Welcome to my Bookshelves!
I've always been a reader: when I was about 5, I read everything I could find about dinosaurs and remember arguing with the teacher in 1st or 2nd grade about what time range it was exactly when dinosaurs lived. Yes, I was that annoying, nerdy kid and not much has changed: only the hair has a lot more grey in it. But I became a computer programmer and not a paleontologist.
Over the years, I've read or accumulated a lot of books and there have been a lot of them that I've deeply enjoyed. Work has been pretty demanding over the past few years but I've still got a fairly decent collection that has been distilled down through the years and I will be using this blog to talk about my favorites. The photos above show something like 10% of my bookshelves.
Future topics:
- Are you a motorcyclist, got a motorcyclist in your life or willing to consider their viewpoint? Then you HAVE to read Peter Egan's books and a few others: Ted Simon, Austin Vince, Lois Pryce.
- Are you a gun nerd, got a gun nerd in your life or willing to consider their viewpoint? Then I have some books that are really worth a look. Women competing on an equal footing with men in 1906?! An NRA branch helping the NAACP in the South in the 1950s?! Interesting stuff.
- John Steinbeck...Richard Brautigan...Harlan Ellison...Neil Gaiman...
- Ben Gadd's fantastic "Handbook of the Canadian Rockies", a deeply entertaining book covering everything about one of the most gorgeous spots on Earth.
- Great tech books, e.g., some fantastic books about the history and techniques of cryptography/cryptanalysis.
And then there's the checkered story of the book shown below...
austin vince,
ben gadd,
lois pryce,
peter egan,
robert ruard,
ted simon,
ted sturgeon,
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